This album is about the Putt-Putt series of games. Specifically, it's about when Alpharad Gold (now known as Alpharad Platinum) played them.
Well, most of the songs are. A few other things were snuck in simply because I made those songs during the period of time between the release of Lincoln and this album.
Soundwise, this album is album is definitely like, the turning point of my modern sound and the early 2023 sound. More specifically, this album sounds like a mix between There is NO Saving this One and The Monster.
I remember I wasn't very proud of this album because I thought it sounded too similar to There is NO Saving this One, however, in retrospect, they do have a more unique sound compared to each other. Quite frankly, this is probably the most unique release in my discography.
There's still moments where I feel like I just completely fuck up the entire flow of a song, but other times I go batshit insane and it pays off, like in Delivery Truck NASCAR.
Speaking of, the intro was recorded by myself when I was stuck on the highway :^).
That title is was inspired by the Putt-Putt joins the races video from Alpharad Gold where they say "Why is Putt-Putt trying to join NASCAR?" It was the first Putt-Putt themed song I created before deciding to go all in on Putt-Putt. By that point I had already started 7 AM Morning and Another if I'm not mistaken.
7 AM Morning was in reference to the System of a Down song "Mr Jack," where Serj says "7 AM Morning, came to take us away. Little Men, big guns, pointed at our heads."
Another was in reference to creating another song, I think that was the point where I started feeling dissatisfied with creating what I felt was the same thing over and over again.
Pizza McGee surprised me by being an absolute banger.
Track 9 Features a part that in youtube chapters is referred to as "The Part where time stops." This was because all the way back in the Complete Dystopia era of Lyup, somebody commented "Make one where time stops." As soon as I saw that comment I knew I had to do it.
Track 12 was made because I had just attempted to listen to Mr. Bungle's self-titled album for the first time. I didn't even finish Slowly Growing Deaf at that point in time, I just got so bored with that album by the middle of the second song. Regardless, I did get Hella inspired by the idea of scary organ clown metal music.
Then, this is the part where I make 5 consecutive songs about Putt-Putt dying... In 9/11.
Ok, lore time, in the last Putt-Putt Alpharad Gold video, they realize that the Putt-Putt Circus game was the last one, which came out in 2000. So they made the head-canon that Putt-Putt must've died right after... In FUCKING 9/11.
Anyways, they represent the 5 stages of grief........ not actually, I just made that up. But that would be surprisingly fitting.
Track 13 is in obvious reference to that stupid fucking phrase you die in the game you die in real life but I made it the title because 1. Putt-Putt is literally a game character, in a game that you can't die in, so if he did die in the game he would die in real life, I guess, and 2. Saying that phrase was a FWOB (Friends Without Benefits) bit, a channel that Jacob of the Alpharad Youtube channel used to be a part off until they pussied out.
The Purple Car that Never Could surprised me by also being an absolute banger.
Anyways, Rememberance (which is not how that word is spelled btw) was made like, the day before I released that album, if I remember right. Anyways, I like it, but it's definitely an example of me fucking up a song randomly at one point. But it's definitely a great ending song, it represents Putt-Putt's funeral, which is a happy funeral that he would've wanted. It's also in reference to the same video in which they find out that there's actually a 2013 Putt-Putt game, that they dismiss as being "In memoriam."
Anyways, I like the art for this album, it looks good. But the background art is trash. Not the first or the last time I've felt that way, however. This was also the first time I decided to just make things uniform and just make the videos use the same square albums arts as the distributed releases. It just made things way more convenient.
Anyways the best songs are: 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 15 in no particular order. However, even when I felt like a song was lacking (most of these tracks are just like, dreadfully empty) I still feel as though all of them offer at least on thing that's really, really cool, even to this day.
(Available on most music streaming services.)