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The Monster

Released October 26th, 2023

The Halloween album. Amazing.
If it wasn't obvious, I was really into mathcore and Mr. Bungle at the moment.
The first song is a fast paced banger utilizing the various organ and horn synths plus the guitar. That sentence sounded hella AI-Generated because I'm still in essay-writing mode. So anyways it starts off with the reversey organ but then goes into guitary plus organ and it has the spacey horns and shit, space brass is hella cool. I also sampled the circus theme which is always a good sign indicating it's gonna be a banger.
Haunted House is about being invited to go to a Haunted House. I didn't go because I didn't know anything about it other than I was invited to go. It's cool, I like the techno part. It was made like, hella last second I'm pretty sure.
Candy is about razor blades. I like the drum beats, hella punky. The glass sound is nostalgic of 2021-Lyup (it sounds like shit what was I thinking when I added that lmao).
Kitten was about somebody who was pretending to be interested in me, I caught onto that literally immediately, and I played into it by being such an absurd lunatic (I read her a bedtime story on call one time. The story was Fahrenheit 451). One time on call with a bunch of people, including her, I was asked "Do you have any Discord Kittens?" and I said "Who do you think [girl] is?" and it shocked everyone. Anyways the only reason I played into it for so long was because I was like 99% sure it was all an act, but I didn't wanna hurt her feelings and straight up bully her in the 1% chance she was actually interested in me (shocker, she wasn't, duh). Anyways she told me she was lactose intolerant so I just kept telling her that her bones were gonna get squishy and I was gonna replace her water supply with milk.
Oh yea anyways the song was cool. I think it was meant to be mildly Korn inspired, I had just listened to their self-titled album and the song Divine reminded me of her (mainly the chorus of "You're gonna waste your time...Your suffering 'cause of me is divine"). Then it has that fuckin' Mzmr Finale-ass solo at the end cause I still didn't know how to write solos at the time. I didn't know how to do that until Michael Timothies.
Lies is about me trying to gasburn (the thing where you try to convince people that their memory and perception of reality is incorrect) literally everyone, including myself. Even more Bungle inspired. I love when it starts to sound like sirens.
And then comes the weaker link in the album...
The outro to math was in 9/4. Originally it was going to be forwards, slower, and not cool sounding. The song would've been way worse if I didn't make it how it is now. Unfortunately that's all the "math" in this song. This song was about how I hated my math class at the time.
Thrill of the Thrill of the Kill was very Avenged Sevenfold's Strength of the World inspired. Ok this one's actually kinda cool. The previous one was just kinda boring but this one is actually really cool. I like the piano, especially at the end.
Pirates. This one is the worst one and then we're back to great songs. Starts off strong but then has a really off beat part I dislike, and then the annoying piano part, and then the slow part. Fuck, this song was doing so well at the start.
Oh the Horror! was from the Lincoln era, I saved it for Halloween since it'd be much more fitting. This song is just ambience and drums and some cool synths and it's cool as fuck. Unironically the best thing to come out of the Lincoln era.
Michael Timothies. Fuck.
This one is my magnum opus of songs. With 14 minutes of runtime, it's about the life of a boy lived in a dream. Starting from birth, each minute is a year of life... wait a minute... the songs only 14 minutes long?
Yes, poor bozo gets shot outside of a McDonalds at age 12, the rest of the song is him bleeding out, life flashing before his eyes, his funeral, and then his perspective of death as a bleak nothingness.
I don't listen to this song often. Not because of its length, I listen to longer songs regularly. Not because it's bad, as I said before it's my magnum opus.

I don't listen to this song often...
Because this song fucking scares me.

For one because I not only have to think about death, but because I also have to deal with the certainty of reality, or lack thereof, that we have in this life.

(Available on most music streaming services.)