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Sadistic Memory

Released April 18th, 2024

This EP was my attempt to recreate the beauty that is the famous three-song progressive experience that is Yes's "Close to the Edge."
I'm honestly really proud of it. I revisit these three songs often. Far more than anything else I released this year.
The first track is based on a true story of my bestie Obinn showing some guy named "Hexacore Processor" or something my music back in 2022. That guy hated it. I don't rememeber exactly what they said but they referred to it as being distinctly beginner and only one song having a genuinely interesting rhythm. I was DEVASTATED (they were so right though). Anyways, since then, I became an actually pretty good musician. I actually want to listen to my music on occassions, wild. Anyways, this song is just a testament to the improvement I've made not only because of them, but because of all of my past critics in general. This song has some really good melodies as well. I LOVE the solo right before part iii of the song and find myself humming it incredibly often.
The second track is probably the one I relisten to the most. I love the way it goes from a cutesy piano piece with mysterious elements to represent anxiety and stress, to a very chill beepbox track, and then to the little dancy beat with the bass solo and the guitar at the end.
The final track is based on the story of Juan aka Hungrybox. It's about a melee match determining who's the real Juan, losa has to lose the name. Anyways Juan wins.
Everything about this EP from the Art to the long, intriguing songs just thrills me. It's just so good. Give this one a listen, it's definitely my magnum opus in terms of releases.

(Available on most music streaming services.)