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John Dough Leaves Town and the Death of Skelebones Jones

Released December 23rd, 2023

John (thequakeroatsguy) Dough Leaves Town was an album that took a while to get going. I'd start a few songs but not complete them for a while. However, after a while it all sort of clicked together and progress increased exponentially. I also at the time considered it to be some of my best work, as well. It contains some of my favorite innovations with it having seamless transitions, the distorted Muse-like bass, the reversey piano (also Hella Muse inspired), and the paulstretched lofi reversey bits.
Nevermind, She Was a Snake is a song based on finding out that the girl from the previous album was lying about being friends, secretly hated me, and talked shit about me behind my back. Yay! It gives off awesome emo-vibes throughout the whole thing with the verses being slow at the start and then the sudden tempo change for the chorus with the repition of the verses in the much quicker tempo and then ending with the slow chorus and a reversey outro. It's just a perfect opener to this album.
The second song is actually two songs (because of the slash) they were just two short for me to release them separately so I just did the thing Lemon Demon did with Eyewishes/Bystanders (albeit, a month before I ever sat down and listened to Lemon Demon nevermind Dinosaurchestra) and combined them into one song.
The third track has one of my favorite titles simply for the longevity of me finding it funny. Colonizing the Americas was an attempt to make a more structured standard rock song, but it still manages to be incredibly schizo. The fifth track's title is based on something I actually used to do. It (no pun intended), along with the G-Man, bring back the scary clown Mr. Bungle inspired organ-centric music, albeit with a more punk feel.
A New Start was based on the relationship I got into... the exact day I found out that other girl hated me. That wasn't my plan though, I just told this mf I liked them and they were all like "Well it's good you moved on from that one girl cuz she hated you and said mean things about you" (paraphrasing). That crushed me. I think that's partially why that relationship died so quickly. Anyways we held hands. This song was less of a love-song and more of a me being excited about getting into a relationship for the first time song. I made a more true love song on the next album. I love the way it sounds so surf-rocky with the guitar and the reverse piano.
Mount Rushmore UFO Laser Cult is a song that's just cool. The song has the coolest guitar parts, because I literally used 5 of the guitar synths that LMMS gives me, and I love the way they all clash against each other and yet proceed to merge and melt together as well. Then the reversey outro is so cool it feels like an actual like Satanic ritual cult summoning. Then the static transitions into the Perfume song with the static and while it's not a song I like nearly as much, it's still a really cool song with some really interesting rhythms.
Mind if I Drive? The grand finale to it all. It's actually really fitting for this album. It's hyper and not gonna lie the tone of it really fits like the title vibe-wise. It's also definitely one of my favorite songs out of the stuff I've made in Beepbox because I typically hate using it because all the songs I make in it sound cheap and lazy but I did a lot of new things that I usually don't in this one so I liked it.

(Available on most music streaming services.)