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Released September 15th, 2023

Everyone is here.
Look at it; the art is beautiful. Every character of mine from 2021 to September 2023. All in one album cover.
Probably the longest I spent on an album art at that point in time.
The Mzmr crew is in the middle, with a grown up little Billy, too, as that album was still the golden standard and fan favorite at the time. The album was originally going to be called "Celebration" as I saw it as a sort of Anniversary album due to releasing it in September. However, at a certain point I tried opening up some project files for the songs and I got Error 0x800701E3: "The request failed due to a fatal device hardware error." Which like, thanks a lot doofus, that sure tells me a whole lot of NOTHING!!! Like, all it does is make the assumption that my hard drive is bust (it wasn't).
Yea I spent my whole day panicking over that trying to figure out how to backup all my remaining files on that hard drive only to find out the next day that there was literally nothing wrong with it. It was just goofing off. It was legitimately fixed after turning off my computer, unplugging the hard drive, turning my computer back on (after a day), and then plugging it back in. Something told me that was the solution all along but I didn't wanna risk letting anything corrupt any further (literally nothing was corrupt). Anyways the stress of that whole ordeal inspired Coruption 0000 and also the album title (part of that decision was also due to wanting the potential algorithm boost of "Oh you've been searching this error a lot, maybe you wanna listen to this album. Hmm? Hmm?).
Anyways, work on this album started with Lucky Day because I just started getting into Weezer and wanted to make simpler pop songs that had some good bass.
...Yes, I realize that neither this song, nor any song on this album, sounds even remotely like Weezer (except the intro/outro to Scuba).
Anyways, getting a bass vst that sounds good was legit one of the biggest breakthroughs I've made in music-making... after getting a drum vst that sounds good... the next will be finding a distorted guitar vst that sounds good.
Track one is a song with a title that makes people laugh even though it's basically just lolrandom humor. Okay anyways, it's basically a standard punk song with a Chiodos-ass opening, Hell, I practically copied the bridge from California Uber Alles.
The Spanish title was originally gonna be "Spanish is just gibberish you can learn to understand if you want to" or something like that but in Spanish, but then I remembered the entire point of using a Spanish title was to bring in a Spanish-speaking audience. So I just made up a bullshit title that I dislike a lot.
Worth Saving was called that because I came up with a concept I didn't finish (the intro) that I didn't wanna finish, but I saved anyways. While I agree that it was Worth Saving anyways, I really don't think it should've been on the album it's just filler. But oh well, Afton being the 13th song is cool.
Rock n Window and Scuba both use cowbell because a friend of mine jokingly referenced the needs more cowbell skit. I thought it was funny and easy enough to be worth trying and it's genuinely awesome and adds a lot.
I'm gonna play a game with tracks 7 through 11 (minus Scuba). Two of the titles came from deleted Wikipedia article titles. Can you guess which ones?
Anyways, Scuba is awesome that's the 4th time I mentioned it but yeah.
Wild Dogs gives mad Stick RPG 2 vibes. I also like how it has a very haunting empty fullness.
Afton was a song I had to make for a while because Targeting told me to like months before this album. It was on my bucket list. Anyways I love how it goes from part to part and I like how it starts out slow and soft until the 200 (or was it 300? I can't remember) bpm tempo change.
But anyways, this album was sort of made in response to me feeling uninspired and tired with the Racecar Spelled Backwards sound basically being like, almost the same as There's No Saving this One. It felt stale. I was so glad to be able to make a drastic shift in sound like that and actually be really proud of the end results and not feel like it's secretly terrible. See my thoughts on Dreamings and Lincoln for what I felt like were more failed attempts at that.

(Available on most music streaming services.)